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Introduction and intentions part one

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Goldinsight is a place for perspective– explore concepts, challenge perceptions, and personally reflect on open-ended questions. All power to change begins within you and a conscious life is just one thought away. Let's talk.

:) = laughter

So my name is Gregory Goldin. Nice to meet you over informally on the Internet. I have this podcast called Goldinsight. Now the concept for Goldinsight was meant to be just an unfiltered raw, pure approach to helping individuals learn more about themselves. To be self aware, didn't really have a set guideline or rule other than just be a resource that can be utilized whenever or wherever. Which is crazy to even say that I can say that I will have future episodes. Will I even call these episodes? Will I even call them sessions? I don't even know. I don't even know. But I'm just going to go with it. That's what this whole project supposed to be about… is just going with the flow, just seeing where it goes. And excited for the unfolding.

I think for me, I am just in it to intend, I'm going to say the intention of serving others, serving myself, learning a little bit more of, well, learning more about life, learning more about myself and hopefully people can gather whatever they may gather from it. Practiced a lot with just talking to myself, getting used to talking to no one or in essence everyone but just not in front of me, which is great :). So here I am :) and a I'm baring a lot. I'm baring a lot of vulnerability, a lot of just personal, just talking and sharing how I see things and what's great is that I think we identify with that authenticity when someone is being vulnerable or someone is being their true self or who they are. And I, I already know what I'm going to put out there, as my voice cracks. :)

Love that. So there'll be that too. And they'll bring me to the next, which I don't want to edit this or you know, edit this too much to where it just botches the message or the flow of it. Like it has its own flow. I mean, I may take out some noise like distracting, like little little things to the sound engineering things after. But for the most part I just want to flow. I just want to put this out there unedited, unfiltered, and just share the ideas… for your highest good, you know, for whoever's meant for them. Whoever will listen. I appreciate it, but know first and foremost that I am here to be a resource. I'm here to share what I know and what I can do within my abilities in this present moment. And it's sharing. And so I think I will close today's… I'm going to say session.

I haven't figured out a word yet, but I'm going to say I'm going to end todays note, with the intention that whoever hears these notes, will get whatever they need to and that they will receive whatever they're meant to for the highest good of themselves as well as myself. And as long as that loving intent is there, I think it will shower nothing but just that. So thank you for listening and haven't figured out a sign off yet. I'm not even sure if I'll have a sign off. This will be my sign off. So thank you. And I look forward to how this unfolds.